[Grant Request] p2px.finance

“Empowering Decentralized Finance in Emerging Markets: P2PX’s Collaboration with 0x Protocol”

Executive Summary:

P2PX is at the forefront of revolutionizing decentralized finance (DeFi) in India, fostering an ecosystem where privacy, security, and user empowerment are paramount. We seek to collaborate with the 0x Protocol to integrate advanced atomic swap capabilities and privacy-ensured transaction services, thereby extending the reach and operability of both platforms. This partnership will bring forth a new era of financial inclusivity, tapping into the vast potential of emerging markets.

Proposal Detail:


The aim is to integrate P2PX, India’s first 100% decentralized P2P exchange, with the 0x Protocol to:

  1. Provide a robust payment processor for seamless crypto transactions.
  2. Enable atomic swaps for diversified cryptocurrency acceptance.
  3. Ensure privacy and security through the 0x infrastructure.

Team Introduction:

P2PX is spearheaded by a team of adept professionals, united by the vision to democratize finance through blockchain technology:

  • Pratik Agarwal (Co-founder, CEO): A crypto enthusiast and an alumnus of Reclaim protocol, Pratik has a rich experience with leading crypto firms, contributing to his deep understanding of the DeFi landscape.
  • Sandeep M (Co-founder, CMO): An entrepreneurial spirit from IIT M, Sandeep has built a cloud kitchen company, demonstrating his prowess in scaling innovative business models.

Our development, design, and business teams are composed of individuals with proven track records in their respective domains, bringing together a unique blend of skills to drive P2PX forward.

Project Synopsis:

P2PX’s mission is to address common user problems in the P2P exchange realm, such as avoiding ‘fraud money’, ensuring transaction privacy, and lowering transaction fees. Our user demographics primarily consist of individuals from countries with unstable currencies and those who face high taxation on cryptocurrencies, like India.

Funding Allocation:

The total grant request is $40,000, allocated as follows:

  • Product Development and Integration: $25,000 to support the seamless integration of 0x API for atomic swaps and enhanced liquidity solutions.
  • Marketing and User Acquisition: $10,000 to create awareness and promote the adoption of the integrated P2PX-0x solution.
  • Operational Excellence and Compliance: $5,000 to ensure adherence to regulatory standards and maintain the highest security protocols.

Value Proposition to the 0x Ecosystem:

The collaboration promises mutual benefits:

  • New Use Cases: P2PX will introduce 0x APIs to a new segment, expanding the protocol’s applications beyond DeFi swaps to actual goods and services exchanges.
  • User Base Expansion: Tapping into P2PX’s established user base will bring a surge of new users to the 0x ecosystem.
  • Liquidity Enhancement: Increased trade volume through P2PX will enhance the liquidity of the 0x ecosystem.


By granting this proposal, 0x Protocol will not only be investing in the expansion of its use cases but also in the proliferation of DeFi in untapped markets. P2PX is committed to a long-standing collaboration that will pave the way for a more inclusive and decentralized financial future.

Contact Information:

For further discussion and details, please contact:

Pratik Agarwal Co-founder, CEO, P2PX [pratik@mande.network]

We look forward to the opportunity of working together with the 0x Protocol.

References :

P2PX website : https://www.p2px.finance/
P2PX APP : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.p2pxapp&pcampaignid=web_share&pli=1
Onchain metrics of usage : https://dune.com/p2px/metrics

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